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In December 2014, based on the merit of their preliminary design report submitted to the EERI Student Leadership Council (SLC), which organises the annual Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition, McMaster’s Undergraduate Seismic Design Team was invited to participate in the 2015 competition. McMaster came to be the 2nd Canadian team to participate in the competition. In fact, with the addition of the undergraduate team members to our student chapter, the EERI McMaster became the largest student chapter in Canada!


In 2015, the Undergraduate Seismic Design Team representing EERI McMaster placed 16th in the Seismic Design Competition out of the 38 teams invited to participate. The Undergraduate Seismic Design Team was one of only 17 teams to design a building that withstood each of the three strong ground motions, and were also awarded the Spirit of the Competition Award by industry sponsors of the event. This was an incredible success for a team who’s first showing was in the founding year of the Chapter.




2014-15 Undergraduate Seismic Design Team at the EERI SLC Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition.


Members present: clockwise from top left  Matt East, Mariano Colicchio, Richard Darlington, Deven Verma, Jeff Li, Trevor Reade, Julian Riano, Kat Jarzecki, Aamna Arshad, and Adria Viegas,


Members not present in photo: Shannon Es, Kathleen Johnson, Thomas Oszustwicz, Navid Rahmani, Sana Shamsher, and Vince Stalteri.

McMaster's building response through the third and final ground motion at the EERI SLC Undergraduate Seismic Design Competition.

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